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来源: 李依凌國際中文網 作者:本站 发表日期: 2012/9/4 13:01:21 阅读次数: 32507 查看权限: 普通新闻

            与西方画家合创中西文化合璧作品 具里程碑意义
        葡萄牙常驻联合国代表José Filipe Moraes Cabral 大使表示,李教授独特的文字表达方式和丽迪亚自由的解释这些文字给我留下了深刻的印象。他们创造了一个非常新奇和融合艺术的表达方式,成功的将东西方文化联合在一起。在他们的共同努力当中,他们对于不同国家和人民相互尊重和理解,对于和平和幸福的世界做出了巨大贡献。
        哥大学生觉得听李国栋教授的讲学令他们终生受益。 “感谢李老师向我们教授如何理解欣赏中国书法。李老师是一位杰出的热爱中国文化的大师,希望李老师有机会能再来”(哥大学生黄慈)。“李老师带领我们走入书法艺术的殿堂,让我们领略书法的时间美,音乐美,也让我们感叹中国文化的源远流长。希望作为后辈,我们能把书法艺术发扬传承!”(哥大学生刘语臻) 。“今天的讲座使我的书法欣赏水平得到了提升,李教授讲述的人生经历及习练书法的过程很让人震撼,尤其当李教授在行医时仍每日用四公斤墨水练习书法。现在的中国及世界需要这种精神,特别是我们这代中国人,需要静气养心,提升个人修养。”(哥大学生林默)。“从李老师身上我们不仅能学到书法艺术,更能看到一种强大的人格魅力。这种魅力无疑来自多年的坚持和修养,非常值得年轻人学习。同时,我也相信,书法艺术作为中国文化的精髓所在,会在年轻人中发扬光大。”(哥大学生王安琪)。“李国栋教授人生充满传奇色彩,心志却是始终如一的中正平和,这在其书法作品中有非常好的体现,字如其人,字以名志。(哥大学生郭眉扬)。
          多伦多大都会展览馆掀起中国书法旋风  市长特授多伦多荣誉市民称号
        应加拿大多伦多市大都会展览厅(Metro Hall)及文化团体的邀请,李国栋大师于2012年8月13日至8月15日在多伦多市大都会展览馆(Metro Hall)举办了一场异彩纷呈的书画展。这次艺术展吸引了大批的华裔和不同肤色、不同族裔的观众到场观摩,每天的参观者数以千计。许多华裔眼中流露出对中国传统文化的怀念和引以为豪之情,外国人虽然不懂中国书法,但仍然可以通过各种笔画线条来理解文字的意思和创作意境。
        越裔加拿大人警察协会主席Kai Li Kin说,这是一场十分罕见的展出。如果你想要建造一个好的城市,那么就需要像李大师这样的人到这里来交流分享,并且教授我们一些东西。李大师对于中国文化的见解,是超越时空界限的。
       多伦多前市议员候选人Mike Yen表示,这是一次非常好的文化交流,来参观的市民都很喜欢李国栋教授的作品。多伦多市区的Metro Hall每天吸引很多市民驻足欣赏李国栋教授的艺术,这也许是很多看展的民众第一次接触这种形式。这是一场了不起的展览。这种艺术形式的力量和特征,以及它所承载的信息,都能让民众眼前一亮并为之振奋。我们有必要再举办这样的展览,也需要更多地展出李大师地作品。因为它的高质量,使得民众对它非常有兴趣。李国栋教授为人谦逊友好,是一位沉浸在艺术世界并且热衷于谈论艺术的人。这次展览非常好,这些书法很令人兴奋!李大师每一幅字都写到了极致。
       World Leading Master Calligrapher Guodong Li and His Calligraphic Art
----Highlights of His Achievements in the Years of 2011 and 2012
Renowned Calligrapher and Doctor
Professor Guodong Li has been practicing medicine for over forty-five years and calligraphy for over sixty years. With exceptional medical skills, Prof. Guodong Li created  "acupuncture detoxification treatment" and "music acupuncture treatment”. Especially in the field of surgery, his operations on patients with thyroid tumor were hailed by the World Health Organization experts as the "the world-class thyroid surgery”. His surgery on rectal fistula has broken a hundred year tradition that has been maintained by medical field in European and American countries which usually requires three surgeries, four incisions, three months to complete. Prof. Li’s operation, however, only needs only one surgery, one incision and  five hours to complete.  A sensation in the world in the medical community!
Recent Achievements in Review
After decades of practicing calligraphy, Prof. Guodong Li has reached the peak of his calligraphic career from the end of 2010 to 2012.  Not only his calligraphy exhibitions were held one after another, but also he has received several professional and prestigious awards.
On November 31st 2010, Prof. Li received the highest award in calligraphy: the Diamond Award, which was given by “World’s Distinguished Artists Exhibition” judge panel in America.
    On December 18th, 2010, UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon collected Prof. Li’s work: Good Luck.
    On April 8th, 2011, Prof. Li donated his work Boundless Love  for charity purpose . It won the highest bid at the auction held at the Chinese Mission to the United States, and the fund raised from the auction was donated to help the victims of the disastrous earthquake in Japan.
     From  April 20th to 29th, 2011, Prof. Li’s calligraphy show was held in the United Nations as an important part of “the Chinese Language Day of UN”.  Several distinguished UN celebrities such as the Under Secretary General of the UN, Mr. Kiyotaka  Akasaka, Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nation, Ambassador Li Baodong, Chinese Consul General in New York, Ambassador Peng Keyu attended the show.  Under Secretary General of the UN, Mr. Kiyotaka  Akasaka collected Prof. Li’s work “Bright Future”.  Ambassador Li Baodong  collectged  “Outstanding  Diplomat”  and  Ambassador Peng Keyu collected  “Pioneer Diplomat”.  Ambassador Ambassador Li Baodong  delivered a warm and generous speech at the show.
      From May 27th to 30th, 2011, Prof. Li held a solo calligraphy exhibition in one of the most prestigious art galleries in China : the National Cultural Hall and Museum of China. There was also a highly praised seminar on Prof. Li: International Calligrapher Master Guodong Li and His Calligraphy.

     From June 10th to 13th, 2011, Prof. Li was invited by the Museum of Military Academy in Yunnan Province, China to hold a calligraphy exhibition to mark the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution.  A seminar pertaining Master Li’s calligraphy art was held there as well. This turned out to be a spectacular cultural event in Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan Province, China.

    On July 24th, 2011, Master Li  flew back to Bangkok from China to participate in the calligraphy exhibition to celebrate the 66th anniversary of the United Nations.
From  August 23rd to September 2nd, 2011, a joint art exhibition of calligraphy and paintings named “Peace and Love of Master Guodong Li and Renowned Painter Wang Linxu was held in the UN.  Wang, is a also member of CPPCC, a Chinese parliamentary body.  It was a great success. UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon viewed the exhibition with much interest.

    On October 1st, on behalf of the overseas art community ,Prof. Guodong Li attended the state dinner and other events to celebrate the National Day of China in Beijing.

    In October,2011, Master Li’s calligraphy show was held in Baoshan Museum, Yunnan Province. Prof . has been the first man by far who has held solo calligraphy show in that museum.

  On December 9th, 2011, Master Li was invited by Ms.Hailin Lu, President of International Women’s Club, a UN organization, to attend a professional seminar concerning international children’s health.  He met with the keynote speaker,  Under Secretary General of UN and discussed the way to protect underprivileged children and improve their health.
  On December 16th, 2011, Master Li gave a lecture on calligraphy at the invitation of the UN Chinese Book Club.
On December 18th, 2011, Master Li gave a speech to the medical experts in New York at the invitation of the New York Acupuncture Doctors Association.
    In December,2011, Master Li attended several activities held in the Unite Nations and United States.  He won a series of awards as well.
On January 10th , 2012, Ban Ki-moon and Li Guodong met again in the United Nations Headquarters.  Both of them attended the Chinese New Year Celebration Art Exhibition held in the United Nations.  As VIPs for the art show, they were invited to cut the opening ceremony ribbon.  Ban Ki-Moon, himself had a piece of calligraphic work, “Peace” on display.  Li Guodong  had several pieces of calligraphic works on display, such as  "Dragon", "Harmony" and other works.  Ban Ki-Moon collected Li Guodong calligraphy "Longevity".

On June 18th,2012,  Mr.Guodong Li’s 2012 Calligraphy &Art International Tour Show was kicked off in the United Nations. This amazing show was moved to display in Columbia University ,Museum of Chinese Americans in New York and Metro Hall of Toronto, Canada and other places. The main stream press and media were deeply impressed with it and hailed that ”Master Guodong Li has created a new era when people from the United Nations, United States and Canada are fond of learning Chinese calligraphy.
In July, 2012, Prof Li was invited to give lectures to the students and faculty member of the Teahers’ College of Columbia University and  audience and experts of the Museum of Chinese Americans in NYC. The Museum collected a piece of Prof. Li’s : Dragon Flies and Phoenix Dances.
   In August, 2012, Prof. Li held a solo calligraphy exhibition at the Metro Hall of Toronto, Canada.  He was awarded Toronto Honorary Citizenship by the mayor.    

Prof Li and Secretary General of UN Ban Ki moon
Prof Li has some connection to Secretary General of UN Ban Ki moon one way or another. The bridge between the master calligrapher residing in Thailand and SG Ban residing in New York is CALLIGRAPHY!  
    UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon is not only interested in Chinese calligraphy, he himself also can write Chinese characters.  He collected Master Guodong Li’s work “Good Luck” on December 18th, 2010 in New York when he attended the UN Journalist Association’s Award Ceremony.  According some sources , Mr. Ban Ki-moon like this work very much.  
     From  August 23rd to September 2nd, 2011, a joint art exhibition of calligraphy and paintings named “Peace and Love of Master Guodong Li and Renowned Painter Wang Linxu of China was held in the UN.  Wang, is a also member of CPPCC, a Chinese parliamentary body.  UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon viewed the exhibition with much interest.

On December 14th, 2011, Mr. Ban and Master Li met face in face.  They were both invited by the UN Journalist Association to attend the Best Journalist Award Ceremony. Mr. Ban congratulated Master Li that his calligraphic works and achievement introduction were published in the brochure of the UN Journalist Association.  Master Li congratulated Mr. Ban for his second term of office.

On January 10th , 2012, Ban Ki-Moon and Li Guodong met again in the United Nations Headquarters.  Both of them attended the Art Exhibition in Celebration of  the Chinese New Year held in the United Nations.  As VIPs for the art show, they were invited to cut the opening ceremony ribbon together.  Ban Ki-Moon, himself had a piece of calligraphic work, “Peace” on display and Li Guodong  had several pieces of calligraphic works on display, such as "Dragon", "Harmony" and other works.  Ban Ki-Moon collected Li Guodong calligraphy "Longevity".

Remarks of Celebrity on Guodong Li’s Calligraphy
Permanent Representativ of China to the UN, Ambassador Li Baodong says, Prof. Li is an artist with a unique perspective on the Chinese culture and Chinese calligraphy. He has made great achievements in this field. Prof Li'and Lydia Reinhold joint venture in the form of art is a good symbol of friendly cultural exchanges between countries and a fine example of friendly ties between peoples.  Their joinly created art not only champions the ideal that different cultures should respect and learn from each other, and seek common development and prosperity, but also gives vivid expression to the purposes and spirit of the United Nations. It is of great significance and relevance.
Former Chili’s President, the Executive Director of UN Women Mrs. Michelle Bachelet said when she collected Master Li’s work: “Good Luck”. “Good Luck” is such an elegant character that it reminds us of what we are working for, that is to say for the people’s happiness and joy. As a mother and doctor, I sincerely wish every child in this world could grow up joyfully; as the former president of Chili, I will make all my efforts to seek happiness for every family; as Executive Director of UN Women, I wish every woman could feel happy in the world.” Regarding Master Li’s calligraphy exhibition in the UN in 2011 with the theme of “Peace and Love” , Mrs. Bachelet noted: “As for your calligraphy masterpieces at the exhibition , I would like to send my sincere and warmest congratulations. The theme “Peace and Love” is just what the world needs and your masterpieces definitely expressed this significant idea to human beings.”
Ambassador José Filipe Moraes Cabral, Permanent Representative of Portugal to the United Nations, noted: Professor Li's unique way of expression of Chinese characters and Lydia's freedom of interpretation to these characters left a deep impression on me. Combining Eastern and Western art elements, they have created a new and unique way to express art. They successfully connect Eastern and Western cultures with their art. In the process of the art creation, through their joint efforts, the goal of mutual respect for different countries and peoples and better understanding has been reached. In this sense, they have made ​​contribution to the world peace and happiness of all peoples.

Super movie star of China,  Mr. Sun Hong Lei collected Master Li’s calligraphy work: “Tiger” on October 10th, 2011.  Mr. Sun was so fond of this extraordinary Chinese character that he wrote “elegant, and awesome” as his impression.

A Stone Monument Installed in His Hometown to Mark His Achievements and Contribution
    A great Buddhist temple was built in Yongping County, Yunnan Province, China some time in 2011, and  a custom-made 17-meter high jade Avalokiteshvara sculpture was transported from Burma to the temple.  Master Guodong Li was asked to write four characters (Da Xiong Bao Dian—Great Treasured Mail Hall) on a huge plaque for  the “Mahavira Hall” .  He was also asked to write two characters “Buddha” and “Zen” on both sides of the walls.

Master Li’s hometown, Dajing Township, Yunlong  County, in Yunnan Province, reconstructed  “Three-Worship Temple”, he wrote two pieced of calligraphy for inscription for the temple: “Limitless Benefits” and” Master of  Clouds”.  As a token of thanks to Master Li for contribution to his hometown, Master Li’s  relatives and fellow county men and women installed a stone monument, which also is intended to mark his great achievements in art and honor he has won for his hometown and motherland , as well as the extraordinary example he has set.

Experts on Prof Li’s Calligraphic Art Works

Master Guo Dong Li’s calligraphic works have caused quite a stir in the communtiy of China’s calligraphy.  According to Professor Bin Zhou of East China Normal University, a Ph. D Supervisor, and a calligraphy research expert, Master Li’s calligraphy highly summarizes Chinese calligraphy’s techniques, with tremendous energy and power in appearance and aesthetics of Han and Tang Dynasties.  I really appreciate Master Li’s calligraphy as a student of calligraphy.  There is an old Chinese saying: Characters one writes represent the character of the person himself”, I can draw a clear picture of the calligrapher simply from his calligraphy.  I would like to invite Master Li to host a solo calligraphy show on my campus, meanwhile giving a lecture to those who are seeking master’s degree or doctor’s degree.  I firmly believe that they will undoubtedly benefit from Master Li.”

According to Jiashan Mu, a Chinese American artist, Master Li’s calligraphic works were natural and graceful in appearance, unrestrained and powerful in nature, which made the audience exited. 
Canadian TV hostess Susan Bar said: “There are no borders in art. Master Li’s works are deeply abundant in aesthetic with either straight or curl characters.  Having seen Master Li’s calligraphy, I felt that Chinese calligraphy is so beautiful and amazing.” 
Former chief violinist from the Central Conservatory of China, Mr.Hu expressed his feelings in this way: “Master Li’s calligraphy truly and deeply touched my heart that I burst into tears when I saw them at the very moment.  I can see the proud temperament of the Chinese nation.  As a Chinese musician, I’m so proud that my country is getting stronger and more powerful.  More artistic masterpieces like Master Li’s should be published or exhibited in order to show the honor  and pride of the Chinese people and let people learn to appreciate the greatness of the Chinese art.”

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